Frilandsmuseum's Café opening hours 2024

Winter holidays

Open everyday from kl. 10:00-16:00 in the period February 11 to February 19, 2024.

Winter weekends

Opening hours are saturday & sunday from kl. 10:00-16:00 in the period February 25 to March 31, 2024. Closed monday - friday


Opening hours are everyday from kl. 10:00-17:00 in the period April 01 to April 10, 2024.


Opening hours are 2 April to 28 June: Tuesday-Sunday 10.00-16.00. Open Monday 20 May & 2nd Whitsunday.

Summer holidays

Opening hours are 29 June to 4 August (school holidays) every day from 10.00-17.00

Late summer

Opening hours are 6 August to 11 October from 10.00-16.00 every day except Monday.

Autumn holidays

Opening hours are 12 October to 20 October (autumn holiday) every day from 10.00-17.00

Autumn weekends

Opening hours are from 21 October to 29 November, Saturday-Sunday at 10.00-16.00.

Christmas weekends

Opening hours are from 30 November to 22 December, Saturday-Sunday 10.00-16.00

On 13 December we will be open with the museum from 14:00-19:00 in connection with Christmas Eve/Lucia.
From the 23rd-26th December, the cafe is open from 10.00-14.00

Frilandsmuseum's Banquet Rooms

Frilandsmuseum's Banquet Rooms

Are open all year for lunch or evening events.

Contact us on tlf. 45 85 34 80 or 40 53 26 25

Contact Us

If you're in charge of planning a party, make it easy for yourself and let's make it a special event.

Call us now at +45 45 85 34 80 or send us an email at